In our family, we believe that not teaching is dangerous. So, in order to implement this, we like to include our 1 1/2 year old in a lot of the activities that we do.
I was making vegetable soup last night. I had peeled the carrots, chopped the cucumbers and turned my back. Fatal parental mistake. This is when you catch your kids being their truest selves. By the time I turned back to look at Declan had grabbed the of the peeled carrots and was alternating between drumming on the cutting board, taking bites off the ends and singing into the carrots like microphones. I don't remember teaching him this, so I am pretty sure music is his nature.
Today, Declan and I made homemade hot chocolate. He helped measure and stir, I poured the hot water. He would look at me and say "hot?" and I would say "chocolate". Tried to copy saying "Shokulat" and taking a gulp. Then repeat. These are the days I enjoy. The memories I will treasure.